I professionisti delle Bici Elettriche dal 1999
Worldimension is a company specialized in the sector of sustainable mobility and ecology. We are the expert of ebikes since 1999: we are between pioneers that strongly believed in the potentiality of this sector when it was still little known. Our mission is planning and realizing ebikes that facilitate urban mobility and improve everyone’s life!
Worldimension means quality, reliability and innovation. We project and realize carefully our ebikes, focusing on design and innovative style, standard required by the market and respecting regulations. We choose our retailers attentively and in our team there are qualified and professional experts that assist you and help you to solve different inconvenience.
World Dimension è fatta di persone vere che in questi primi 20 anni hanno contribuito a creare le basi verso il futuro, un futuro che ci immaginiamo sempre più green e pieno di “valori”.
Worldimension…together for a better future!

I professionisti delle Bici Elettriche dal 1999
Worldimension is a company specialized in the sector of sustainable mobility and ecology. We are the expert of ebikes since 1999: we are between pioneers that strongly believed in the potentiality of this sector when it was still little known. Our mission is planning and realizing ebikes that facilitate urban mobility and improve everyone’s life!
Worldimension means quality, reliability and innovation. We project and realize carefully our ebikes, focusing on design and innovative style, standard required by the market and respecting regulations. We choose our retailers attentively and in our team there are qualified and professional experts that assist you and help you to solve different inconvenience.
World Dimension è fatta di persone vere che in questi primi 20 anni hanno contribuito a creare le basi verso il futuro, un futuro che ci immaginiamo sempre più green e pieno di “valori”.
Worldimension…together for a better future!