Live the city

In recent years life in cities has become equivalent to stress, urban traffic, horn sounding, race against time and pollution. As a consequence we are assisting to people who decide to move from the city to rural areas or countries that are more isolated and more relaxing. What if we convince you that this is the wrong solution and that living in cities is possible to do? Cities offer different services that are difficult to provide in rural areas. What if we convince you that the right solution will be just buying our ebikes?

Our city ebikes are easy to pedal and use and you can take them with you also on public transports; thanks to their engines you will be assisted while pedaling and you will not be tired! It will be possible to arrive at work, school or university in time: you will stop taking public transports that are often late; you will not waste time in traffic or in order to find a car park because ebikes are easy to use. You will be able to move also in the city centre (there are limited traffic zones that are not accessible by other means of transport) and you will find new roads to avoid traffic and easier to cover. In most cases you arrive at destination sweaty and hot because you have been walking a lot: with our ebikes you will arrive always in time and without racing! Using our ebikes will reduce your costs: no insurance, no car taxes, no bus tickets! With our ebikes your style will be simple, smart and elegant!

Hub motor

Choosing the right motor for your ebike is important in order to better optimise the use that you will do. This choice does not have

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Mid Motor

Choosing the right motor for your ebike is important in order to better optimize the use that you will do. This choice does not have

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Live the city

Smart mobility

Sustainability and Smart mobility are two essential concept if we want to protect the environment and improve the quality of our life. Nowadays being sustainable

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